Friday, December 08, 2006


As if it's not enough to have busy schedules on Mondays and Tuesdays, the last two days have been two busy days rushing about from one place/thing to another. And then to round up, both days I had to take a cab to work.

The last thing I had on Wednesday was supposed to end at 4.15pm but we ran a little over time and then I walked home before calling a taxi because there was no way for a cab to get out of the uni except join in the massive traffic jam, whereas the road from my house going towards my work place is relatively empty. I think that was a major mistake, I should have just called a taxi from uni and hoped the taxi driver could find some other road to travel by, since by the time we finished I only had ten minutes left to get to work. I was half an hour late and the chef wasn't too happy that I informed him so late.

On Thursday I finished at 5.30pm in town, and by some coincidence the same taxi driver picked me up. He was really pleasant to chat with and avoided the roads with the major traffic jams so I managed to be 'on time' for work, at 6pm which was previously agreed on between the chef and I when I told him I won't be able to make it for 5pm.

And now I'm sitting at home wondering whether to go to uni, because I was supposed to attend a rehearsal to play for a group of singers today since GH said she couldn't make it. But because I'm such a scatterbrain and due to the busy week, I can't remember what time the rehearsal is. Last night, being exhausted from the tight schedule, I collapsed onto bed without setting the alarm clock. Woke up at 10am and panicked. Something tells me the rehearsal will either be from 10-12, or 12-2, or 2-4. One of them. But 12-2 might not be right cos usually there will be a lunchtime concert during this time, so we can't use the stage.

I wouldn't mind going to uni later for rehearsal, but if the rehearsal was really from 10-12, then I'd rather not show my face in school. Just so I can pull off a stupid excuse like 'I was sick' etc. Yea I know, how irresponsible of me! But from the start of the rehearsals I've never missed a single one whereas both GH and the other player have sporadically not gone for a rehearsal or two. I don't think it's too much that I just miss one (although I had agreed with GH that I'd go), and I doubt they can't continue rehearsals without me there either. SMS-ed GH at 10am to ask her for the time but she didn't reply. Argh she can be so uncontactable sometimes!

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