Finally got to the library in the city to return some books and II's cds (she's away in London). And the shopping spree started, though not before I went to the music shop to get some scores (hey, shopping for scores is still shopping!)
Actually, I wouldn't really call it a shopping spree because I only bought a top and a jacket, and both are from the same shop! Shopaholics will all go 'chey!' when they find out how my 'shopping spree' went. Anyway, I managed to find a top that I liked and didn't cost too much. BUT it was size 12... asked for a size 8 or 10 to try, but the sales assistant said everything in the shop was all they had left. What to do, go for affordable is like that one lor. I still decided to buy it, because I can just wear a tube inside the top, plus the sleeves weren't too loose so it should be ok. Managed to find the jacket in size 10, and it looks ok, just that the shoulder part of it does look a little loose on closer scrutiny. Tried both together, and it looked quite ok to me, but I really dunno if that was just my 'whatever la, just buy them and I can go home now!' side talking. Well, shall try them on for the housemates' approval/disapproval some day.
I treated myself to 8 Millie's cookies, 3 of which I've already gobbled down. Going to go easy on the rest of them because I'm watching my weight till this Sunday is over! Haha as if it's going to make a big difference though... well it's just the temporary way to loose a little weight I guess. Will put in some effort to permanently do that when I'm not too busy (which will be never hehe).
Relaxed a bit when I got home, but I still managed to get some work done in the form of listening to the big work we've been rehearsing every Tuesday evening. Tiring stuff that I never got down to doing and now that I have, it's really fulfilling and I hope will be helpful towards my sight-reading it at rehearsals in future. Because we keyboardists don't practise stuff that are not solos, don't you know? Actually, that's not true... I've been diligently practising the pieces I play with singers and the ensemble, but I've just had too much going on to have time to practise for this piece as well.
Work at the restaurant was really busy tonight. All couples, and on top of the reservations we'd already got, many others kept coming. What really threw me into a big mess was that some customers claimed they had a reservation when they didn't. And I offered them the reserved tables only to find out later when the real customers who reserved the table came. ARGH. Fortunately it didn't turn out toooo badly... I hope. I think one customer was rather pissed to be turned away :(
The boss got roses to be given to every female customer, and there were extras in the end so we all got to take one each! And the housemates surprised me with a bunch of roses at 12 midnight (lol too late!), when they just came home from somewhere. All in all, not really a fully exhausting day and I had some time off everything to just recharge. Ready to dive into the busy swirl of activities again tomorrow!
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