Wednesday, November 15, 2006


My one day weekend is here! Because of my Monday- and Tuesday-heavy timetable, Wednesdays (when I don't have lessons) always feels like my weekend to me. And Thursdays are the start of a new week again, since I'm usually working on assignments and stuff throughout the real weekend although I don't have lessons from Friday onwards.

I'm usually brain-fried by the end of Tuesday, and yesterday was no different. Try practicing for two hours, then having a two-hour lecture, practice for another two hours, have another two-hour lecture, then playing in a two-hour rehearsal. Even though I really wanted to start on that essay due next week, I couldn't take it and knocked out at ten. Yet I couldn't even wake up at six thirty this morning.

I was also very disappointed when I got home from the long day in school, because I was expecting my room to be free from mould since my landlord called yesterday morning to inform me someone would come to clean my room on the day itself. I don't understand why he bothered to inform me if in the end the person wasn't going to come. Or, I don't understand why it takes whoever it is so long to come and get the job done.

Another disappointment is that one of the housemates, YR, is going to move out in January. 'I'm so devastated', as TU put it. But we all wish YR all the best with his girlfriend, or maybe wife-to-be by then. Yet this puts me in the very interesting position of having the option to move into his room, if I want to, to escape from the mould in my room (but hopefully it'll be cleared by then). And now the task of looking for a new housemate starts.

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