Friday, December 01, 2006

Crazy day

I should have slept tried to sleep more rather than drag myself out of bed so early in a bid to start my day early by practising early in the morning. Because just minutes after I got into the practice block, the technicians decided to test the fire alarm. Which was fine by me, but somehow something was wrong and they had absolutely no way to reset the alarm, which was just ringing non-stop and beginning to make weird noises in my head. This went on for two hours.

Two hours! Two hours I could have lazed around spent productively by trying to read up more for the presentation next Thursday. But whatever, an early start to the day usually never fails to make me slightly more cheerful at the very least.

So I only got an hour of practice in when it could have been three. I decided to cut myself some slack as well, joining GO for lunch. What could be compared to spending just that one hour of my day catching up with a fellow Singaporean that I haven't talked to, or seen for that matter, since a few weeks after we came here for our second year?

To be fair, the day turned out to be alright. The highlight of the day was getting home after work to find all the housemates sitting around in the kitchen laughing their heads off at stupid little things, then proceeding to join in the laughter myself. They also saved me a piece a cake, bless their souls. Oh I'm so going to miss YR when he moves out. There can be nobody humourous enough to replace this house's chief harbinger of rolling-on-the-floor-tears-streaming-out-of-eyes laughter. Although NH's infectious and funny laughter comes in at a close second.

Now I'm going to catch some sleep before I start complaining about not getting any again.

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