Saturday, December 09, 2006

I should just keep my mouth shut

I was early for a lesson on Tuesday, resulting in the lecturer and I being alone in the room. After I had set up the chairs and stuff for the lesson and while we were waiting for the others to arrive, she was trying to make polite conversation (I think) by commenting that I had been doing a good job in the module so far. As usual, I didn't know how to react and just smiled and said thank you. Then, I just had to be stupid; I added that I preferred my third assignment and didn't really like the second assignment.

She started frowning and I quickly tried to explain that it wasn't the 'topic' given to us that I didn't like, just that I thought my ideas weren't good and didn't really work for that assignment (another stupid remark). She must have been extremely puzzled that I was actually putting down my assignment in front of someone who was grading it, and started explaining that the point of the different 'topics' in the module was to challenge us to adapt our styles to accomodate others or materials/ideas that are different instead of writing in our own styles all the time. Nothing more was said about the matter because the classmates started arriving.

Maybe she must have been regretting the grade she gave me for my second assignment; after hearing me put down my own work like that, she could have gotten away with giving me a lower grade afterall. I got my assignment back from the office yesterday; she had given me a mid first class. Feeling both honoured and pressured to create even better assignments. Especially for the one due at the start of next term.

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